Hi there!

It’s a snappy 39 degrees outside. A few weeks ago I realized I could no longer count on wearing my Chacos or Birkenstock sandals every day. In the awkward Texas roller coaster of fall weather, October is the time to unearth those winter clothes and start checking the weather every day. The question then becomes, “What outfit goes with boots?”. Cause my lil’ toes can’t handle becoming popsicles every day.

I’ve always been somewhat mystified by boots. Maybe it’s because there’s so much more shoe going on than with other kinds of footwear. There’s literally just more fabric involved. It seems that whatever the style may be, it is amplified in a boot. Add to this the fact that I didn’t really grow up wearing boots, besides maybe rain boots. As a kid in Texas, I could just wear tennis shoes and warm socks the few days that it got below freezing. Even in my teenage years, boots never appealed to me. I wasn’t that trendy and I just made it through high school in flip flops, athletic shoes and the occasional strappy sandal or close-toed high heel. The first time I remember purchasing boots was in college. They were a pair of black pleather mid-calf boots that had a pocket on the side of the calf. For what reason did that pocket exist? I have zero idea but I loved them. As soon as the weather got cold enough, I would wear them whenever I could. I wore them out eventually and also moved on to different styles.

Fast forward to today and things are more complicated by the fact that I have to wear more structured shoes and inserts inside my shoes to support my arches (I have a little bit of plantar fasciitis going on. sigh). My current go-to’s are a pair of tan suede Dansko lace up booties, my black leather Kenneth Cole ankle boots, and a pair of dressy zip-up tan boots that I got at Ross Dress for Less. Far from being a fashionista, I merely enjoy the occasional dress up, especially since becoming a stay-at-home mom. There’s something gratifying about looking in the mirror and thinking, “This outfit is amazing!” even when all we are doing that day is going out to the park.

Back to my original point, this weather definitely keeps me on my toes. But at least these toes are feelin’ cozy. And my entire ensemble gets a boost when I have on my boots.

This illustration represents my excitement for all of the possibilities this season holds. My husband asked me where all the people are who are supposed to be in the boots. Lol. I was like, “It’s an illustration. It’s whimsical. There’s not supposed to be people.”

Enjoy boots weather, my friends. Here in Texas, come March, I’ll have to say goodbye to the boots and those Birks will be back in action!

All the best,


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